Chart Tools: Pie

Property Editor

Property Editor - DATA PROPERTIES

Pick data source
  • Bubble
    • For rendering data from the Bubble database
Thing to plot

Pick here the Bubble database Thing that contains the value data for Series 1 / 2 of the chart.

Data Source

Here, connect your chart to any available Bubble data source - as long as it matches the selected Thing to plot. Commonly, this will be a Search of the Bubble database, and so any search Constraints should also be added here.

If you are charting values from a Custom State or through an API then you should select number as your Thing to Plot and connect your Values data into the Data Source field. In the case of Custom State's and API, you should also connect a label data source into the Other Label Data field. The number of items returned from both your Value and Label searches should match.

If the chart should represent a _summary _of some data source then that should also be calibrated here. Once a data source has been selected then a :Group by...function can be added to control how the data will be summarized. As per the example below, both a Grouping and an Aggregation should be added - the Grouping will be used as Label data, and the Aggregation will create the values.

There are a wide variety of options possible with this Bubble functionality - consult the Bubble Reference guide and Forum for more information.

Label Field

Specify here the Field within the selected Thing that contains the information that should run along the X-Axis. For instance, if a time-based chart is being created, this would be the date field.

+ Label's nested Thing

In some cases, the Field containing the label data will be held within a linked object. For instance, a Transaction object/Thing might link to a Company object/Thing which contains a Company Name field. If this is the case, a 'Nested' Thing should be selected - in this example, that would be the Company Thing.

+ Nested Label Field

If a + Label's nested Thing has been selected, then this secondary option will become available. Here, the specific Field containing the Label data should be selected.

Note: It is not possible to use a Field that is contained within a Thing that is more than one step removed from the main chart Thing.

Name for Labels

A generic name for the Series labels should be added here. This will be used in chart labelling and tooltips.

Value Field

Specify here the Field within the selected Thing that contains the values that should be plotted on the chart.

+ Value's nested Thing

In some cases, the Field containing the value data will be held within a linked object. Here, that linked Thing should be selected.

+ Nested Value Field

If a nested Thing has been selected, then a Field within that object containing the value data should be identified here.

Name for Values

A generic name for the Series values should be added here. This will be used in chart labelling and tooltips.

Other Label Data

If aCustom StateorAPIsource is being used to plot your chart, number will already have been selected fromThing to Plot, and a source of Values will have been connected toData Source.Other Label Datawill only be read during this use case, and should be used to fetch Label data that will correspond to the Values data.

So, a source of Label data (text) should be connected here from any data source. Both the number of items and the order of the results should correspond to the Values data returned within theData Sourcefield.

Property Editor - STYLE PROPERTIES

Show legend

Enables or disables a pie chart legend. Legend is disabled by default.

Legend label

For setting the label text used within the legend. Options are:

  • Label: Value (default) e.g. Germany: 40000
  • Label: Percentage e.g. Germany: 23%
  • Label e.g. Germany
  • Value e.g. 40000
  • Percentage e.g. 23%
Legend position

If legend is enabled, controls its position relative to the chart.

Show Tooltips

Enables for disables the mouse hover tooltips on a pie chart. These are enabled by default.

Tooltips label

For setting the label text used within the legend. Options are:

  • Label: Value e.g. Germany: 40000
  • Label: Percentage (default) e.g. Germany: 23%
  • Label e.g. Germany
  • Value e.g. 40000
  • Percentage e.g. 23%
Decimal places

Sets the number of decimal places be used across both the legend and tooltip labels. This is set to zero places by default.

Label name

In some use cases, a pie or doughnut chart should always be drawn with the same segment first, facing 12 o'clock. For instance, an Apple Watch exercise tracking style app will always show the exercise complete segment first, and the (transparent) target remaining segment second. It is not always possible to use filters to ensure that this happens.

By entering the label name that should be drawn first here, that segment will always be drawn first - facing 12 o'clock.

The example below would always draw the 'Exercise Completed' data entry / segment first.

Doughnut %

Sets the size of hole inside a pie chart - set to 0% by default.

Fill color 1 - 6

Here you can specify a list of colors that will be used to fill your segments. Fill color 1 will be attributed to the first data point, Fill color 2 to the second, and so on. If there are more than 6 data segments comprising your pie chart then the color list will be repeated.






Name Definition
Loaded Default value is _false, _this state will switch to _true _once the chart has fully loaded.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""